पुष्पा एकतारा कलेक्टिव की पिछली दो फिल्म- ‘होटल राहगीर’ और ‘एक जगह अपनी’ से साथ है। पुष्पा को कल्चरल कामों से समाज की गैर बराबरी में बदलाव आ सकता है इस पर मज़बूत विश्वास है। कलेक्टिव की साउंड टीम का हिस्सा है।
Production | Casting
Sushil has been a part of Ektara Collective since its inception. He anchors the production of films and organises technical and creative workshops for members of the cast and crew. He also plays an active role in casting actors and working with them to hone their acting skills. He strongly believes in collective efforts and actively supports them.
Maheen Mirza
Cinematography | Script Writing
Maheen is committed to making born out of collective practice. She is one of the founding members of Ektara Collective and her work aims to challenge the grammar of commercial cinema and serves to nurture a culture of independent filmmaking. At Ektara, Maheen does the cinematography and contributes to the script writing.
Hassath believes in the transformative power of cinema and other cultural forms of art. She has been engaged in work in different fields, including cinema, documentation and free/libre software systems. At Ektara, she helps in managing the finances, getting the production on track and organising the data that is generated for every film.
Gaffer | Lighting Technician
Currently working as a lighting technician in Mumbai, Sawni's first experience of a film set was with Ektara Collective's short film Hotel Raahgir. Since then she has worked hard to make her way into being with what she loves most - lights!
Narendra Singh Pardhi
Cinematography | Editing | Filmmaking
There is little about filmmaking that doesn't interest Narendra and at ektara he experiments with every aspect of it.
Madhu Dhurve
Art | Scripting | Music
मधु धुर्वे, उभरता सितारा जो एकतारा कलेक्टिव की पहली फिल्म “चंदा के जूते”, से ही जुड़ी। और आर्ट डायरेक्शन एवं सिंगिंग,सॉन्ग राइटर भी हैं। एकतारा कलेक्टिव के फिल्म से जुड़े अलग-अलग कामों में सक्रियता से भूमिका बनाई है। वर्तमान में मधु धुर्वे लेखिका है। और सॉन्ग राइटर भी डिग्निटी फेलोशिप का हिस्सा रही हैं। और अपने बस्तियों के युवा साथियों के साथ संविधान के मूल्यों से जुड़े, सीखने सिखाने और जानने – मानने की अलग-अलग क्रियाओं से जुड़ी रही हैं।
Script | Casting | Work with Actors
Rinchin is an activist and a writer. Her work and stories reflect her passion for social justice and the struggles that bring us closer to it. She is one of the founding members of Ektara. Her expertise lies in writing and developing scripts for ektara films. She also deals with casting and works with actors for our films.
Fareeda AM
Editing | Technical & Creative Assistance
Fareeda has been with Ektara Collective since their first feature film, Turup. She believes that Ektara is a space that has strong independent voices and enables its members to work without fear.
Priyanka Gaikwad
Audiography | Music
Priyanka has been working with Ektara Collective since their first feature film, Turup. She does the principal sound recording for Ektara’s films. She is also involved in the music of the films. She believes that Ektara has a diversity which enables her to understand the world around in a better way.